- If you ever thought or dreamed of starting and running your own business now is the time. Take the first month or two of the year to research the type of business you want or what industry you’re interested in and make an informed decision. Think about a business name and find out all the legal steps you need to take to register your business in the state that you live in. Once you have the logistics figured out, now, you need to figure out who is your customer/audience. Create a social media page to market yourself and your brand to the world! As you grow you will see who your tried-and-true targeted audience is. Don’t be afraid of failure, you and your business will be fine. Failure is necessary for growth. No one became successful without failing first. We are all learning everyday in business. We must keep evolving and learning.
- Honestly, getting in shape is one of the easiest hardest things to do. People will tell you to make fitness a priority and you will find that it come easy. Well friends, I’m here to tell you…. It’s true, and necessary! Getting in shape is more than just about vanity. Getting in shape is about living a long prosperous life. Caring for your “temple” is one of the single most important things you can do in life. Now, I’m not saying you have to be like the fitness gurus that you see on Instagram. No one’s knees can take that kind of beating for that long. But, even by just doing the simplest things, you can make a huge difference. When you first start, try to make healthier eating choices like eating more “healthier” meals than “non-healthy” meals per week. Incorporate salads and vegetables with every meal. Smaller portions are also important. Exercising for at least 30-40 minutes a day is also a key component of getting fit. These exercises do not have to be extreme or intense workouts in the beginning. Something as simple as walking can be the major difference your body needs. As your fitness level grows you can change the intensity of your workouts. All in all, the key is learning healthy habits and being consistent. I promise you; you will love the results.
- Yeah, we all not gonna sit here and pretend like we don’t need to be sitting on somebody’s red sofa. These past 2 years have most definitely taken a toll on everyone. I feel like mental health has been one of the main topics of 2021 as a result of the pandemic. But people, can we all be a little more honest and transparent for a moment. For a lot of us, our issues started long before the pandemic. Maybe the pandemic played a part in bringing all those internal feelings to the surface, but baby let me tell you, those feelings had been there all along. Unaddressed, just waiting for the perfect time to shine bright like a diamond. You know how I know? Because I too was one of those people. Much like you, I allowed my feelings and issues to lay there unaddressed and unanswered because “I didn’t have time”. “I wasn’t worried about it”. “That was the past and I’m grown now”. Or the biggest lie I told myself “I’m fine and pain is only temporary”. But you see, while all those comments bare a little truth, yes I was fine, yes I was grown, and truth be told I didn’t have time to fall out and cry, for all those years I hadn’t realized I had been saying those things in order to suppress my true feelings. Well to no one’s surprise, when the world literally stopped in 2021, I had no choice but to sit in all those feelings. Let me tell you I did more crying in one year than I had ever done in my entire life. So, I say all that to say, don’t allow another 30 years to go by without first addressing the things that may have caused you pain and or stress. Acknowledge the people that hurt you. Unpack all that trauma and stop carrying all of that with you through life. It is time to drop that baggage and walk free with healthy boundaries, better communication skills, self-love, and self-worth. Go see a therapist so that he or she can better equip you with the tools that you need. You deserve to be the healthier, wiser, happier and stronger version of yourself.
- Listen! Now is the time to ask for that raise you know you deserve. Not all of us are built or have the desire to own and run our on business. Some of us actually love our jobs. And you know what, that’s okay! But you know what’s not okay? The fact that some of these companies only want to pay you the bare minimum. Well guess what, in 2022 we not doing that! Oh no, huh! The bosses and corporations of America are in for a rude awakening my friends and they absolutely know it. With everyone realizing that the opportunities to make money are infinitely endless, owners and corporations are seeing that paying their employees the bare minimum is just not going to cut it. I say ride this wave and ask for that raise! Cuz, you deserve it! DUUHHH!
- Whew child, steps 1-4 got you working worse than a slave on the plantation! Once you get that business going, daily workouts and eating healthy, talking to a therapist, and fighting for your raise, you ought to be wiped out! That my friend is why you need a vacation. Some of us still haven’t had the opportunity to take a vacation since before the pandemic. All we had been able to do was go to the backyard and that’s if you even have one. Taking a break is one of those things that are always going to be necessary. With everyone always on go mode it is essential that we take a break to actually sit back and enjoy life. The world is a beautiful place, and everyone deserves the opportunity to see it. Even if the vacation is local or international the point of it all is to unwind, collect, gather your thoughts, find peace, and meditate. Take that time to reflect on your life, the past and the future, so that when you come back to reality you have clarity and direction over your life. No matter who or what you choose to believe in spiritually, do believe, we were not only placed here to work but to also enjoy the land and the fruits of our labor.....To Be Continued